Non-NHS Services (Private GP Services)

Private practice is significantly restricted in terms of NHS registered patients for GMS (general medical services).

New contractual regulations introduced in October 2019, restrict GP practices from offering or advertising – during NHS working time and on NHS funded property – private services to anyone (whether a registered patient or not), if those services fall within the scope of primary medical services.

Some services however are not within the scope of primary care services and therefore are not covered by the NHS and a charge will be made in line with the BMA scale of fees.

These include medical examinations e.g.:

  • HGV licence
  • Employment medicals
  • Driving insurance etc
  • Assessment of capacity for Power of Attorney

as well as certain certificates e.g.:

  • Private insurance claims
  • Private sick notes Holiday cancellations etc.

Services outside the scope of the NHS will be charged according to a list of recommended fees. The list can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, it can also be found in the waiting room.

Private Fees

Non NHS services include:

  • HGV and PSV medicals
  • Insurance company reports and medicals
  • Private certificates
  • Holiday cancellation
  • Medical insurance reports/forms
  • Pre-employment medicals
  • Vaccination certificates, etc.

The above list is not exhaustive.

Please inquire at reception if you are not sure of the cost when handing in your form for completion.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows someone to act for you or make decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able to do so yourself. There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney; one for Personal Welfare and one for Property and Affairs. In order to be valid the lasting Power of Attorney must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

Anyone who is aged 18 or older and has the mental ability to make decisions for him/herself can choose to give Power of Attorney to relatives or people that they trust.

The following websites have more detailed information about what a Power of Attorney is, how to set one up and what are the costs of doing so.

NHS Choices

Office of the Public Guardian

Age UK

Applying for a Power of Attorney

You can apply for a Power of Attorney online

The forms need to be signed before sending them off to the Office of the Public Guardian.

Portcullis GPs provide non-NHS services in relation to Power of Attorney applications. Because these services do not fall under those provided by the NHS, there are fees associated with this.

As at February 2018 the fees charged are as follows:

  • Countersignature of a Power of Attorney application, no medical examination required £105
  • Countersignature of a Power of Attorney application, with medical assessment for capacity or home visit £155

N.B. Other professionals, such as solicitors, also provide services in relation to Power of Attorney applications.