It may be useful for you to think about what you would like your care to be if you get sick or become unwell with coronavirus COVID-19 and either write a respect form or update your current respect form or fill in a formal legally binding ADRT (Advance decision to refuse treatment)
An ADRT is a legal document that people in England & Wales can complete to refuse treatment that they don’t want to receive. If it is completed according to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 it is legally binding on anyone who knows about it and who can be confident that it is valid and applicable to the situation that they are dealing with.
If you would like to find out more about ADRTs, or make one for free, you can do so at
A ReSPECT form is not legally binding and focuses only on making recommendations about care and treatment that might be considered in an emergency, when a person’s life may be at risk.
A ReSPECT form can be used to draw attention to the presence of an ADRT and should contain relevant aspects within the summary recommendations for treatment and care.
In respect to COVID-19 it may be useful for you to consider and specifically state on the form whether or not you would want:
- To be resusitated
- To be admitted to Intensive Care (ITU) and Ventilated
- To be admitted to hospital for Intravenous antibiotics
- To be given oral antibiotics to treat a chest infection
A Respect form for you to write and print out is included below