Form Preview : ID 31

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Form for Patients to fill in for a request for a sick note

Employees can now get a fit note from the following healthcare professionals: GP or hospital doctor registered nurse occupational therapist pharmacist physiotherapist The healthcare professional needs to assess the employee’s fitness for work before giving a fit note. At Portcullis Surgery we have now authorised all our nurses to be able to provide sick notes however, in order to obtain a sick note all patients must fill in the following form. Please fill in this form to the best of your ability as it will form part of your assessment. Fit notes are free if the employee has been ill for more than 7 days when they ask for one. If a sick note is required by an employer even though the employee has been ill for less than 7 days we will charge a fee of £20 for this service. Employees will need to discuss this with their employer and ask them for reimbursement of any fees charged by the practice.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you seen a clinician (Doctor, Nurse or ANP) at the practice already about the medical condition (s) stopping you from working? If you have, please TICK the name of the clinician who you feel knows you well enough to give you a sick note in the space below.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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