Portcullis Surgery

Portcullis Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GT Send us an online question or request

Telephone: 01584 872 939

We are closed. Call 111 for urgent advice out of hours.

Care Coordinator and Carers

Community & Care Coordinator Appointments

Portcullis GP Surgery’s Community & Care Co-ordinator (Judith Sharod) helps patients and their relatives to find information, support and advice.  If your question is not directly medical, but is impacting on your life, Judith is the person to speak to.

Appointments are available to be seen in the Surgery or for telephone advice on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings between 9.00am-1.00pm

To make an appointment to speak to Judith Sharod, telephone Portcullis Surgery on 01584 872939

Judith assists patients across all age groups in need of help, support and advice by signposting them to other useful services and activities.

Community and Care Coordinators work with the NHS, the Council and Voluntary Services and have become local experts on what’s happening in your community.

They can help you to keep socially active and maintain your independence.

Carers Group!- are you looking after a relative or friend who, because of illness, age or disability, couldn’t manage at home without your help?

Then you are a ‘Carer’!

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Carer’s Group, please contact Reception on 01584 872 939 and ask to speak to Judith’s colleague Zoe Jennings-Smith for more information.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only. Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm One Friday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Saturday
    9-5pm One Saturday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Sunday
    Call 111 for advice OOH
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