Portcullis Surgery

Portcullis Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GT Send us an online question or request

Telephone: 01584 872 939

We are closed. Call 111 for urgent advice out of hours.

Co-Co Befrienders

Ludlow Portcullis Compassionate Communities – ‘CoCo’ VOLUNTEERS WANTED!


Can you help? Would you like to get involved?

Do you have a couple of hours once a week or fortnight to support someone in their own home to stay healthy and socially connected?

Would you be interested in:

  • Visiting and befriending; (Online, phone calls or socially distanced)
  • Helping with errands;
  • Helping someone with social activities.

Then CoCo befriending may be for you.

Initial training is provided.

Ongoing support is provided throughout your time as a volunteer by our practice.

For further information on CoCo volunteering, please contact Judith Sharod at Portcullis practice by calling the practice or emailing Judith: judith.sharod@nhs.net

We would love to hear from you.



Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only. Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm One Friday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Saturday
    9-5pm One Saturday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Sunday
    Call 111 for advice OOH
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