Portcullis Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GT Send us an online question or request
Telephone: 01584 872 939
We are closed. Call 111 for urgent advice out of hours.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Congratulations to Dr Yarham on his retirement Congratulations to our Paramedic Sian Woods, Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice and Lead Clinician for Minor Surgery WAITING TIMES ARE CURRENTLY VERY LOW Focus on Women’s Issues Thankyou to the family of Mr Bill Friswell. Information about Home visits and waiting times- IMPORTANT please share this information RIP Mrs Gloria Corfield Dr Jenny Hartley attends 10 Downing Street Covid and Flu vaccines
Making appointments
Appointments requests can now be made via telephone, patient access or email by simply sending an email to portcullis.surgery@nhs.net or by calling the reception team as usual on 01584 872 939. The reception team will then book an initial telephone call with a nurse, health care assistant or Doctor who then triages the call and then decides if a video consultation or photo will be enough to assess the medical problem or if a face to face appointment is needed.
A guide to specific procedures that only some Doctors and Nurses do are shown below
A Family planning appointments
Family Planning including insertion of Coils, Implants and Pessaries
B Minor Surgery appointments
Minor Surgery, Joint Injections and other procedures e.g Epley Manouvre
C Long Term Condition and Medication Reviews
D Blood tests and ECGs
Healthcare Assistant Clinics (blood tests and other tests such as ECGs, Health checks
E Wound and dressing clinics
F Child immunisation clinics
G Smear test clinics
H New patient check ups and health checks
Healthchecks and New Patient check clinics-Angie, Heidi and Joanne
I Ear irrigation clinics
Nurse Clinic: Microsuction Ear cleaning and Healthcare Assistant Clinics: Ear Irrigation
J Travel Clinics and Foreign Travel
K Focus on Mental Health and Social Isolation: Our Practice Counsellors and Care Coordinator
Focus on Mental Health: Our Practice Counsellors, Care Coordinator and Social Prescribing Advisor
L Care Coordinator and Carers Group
M Social Prescribing Advisor