Portcullis Surgery

Portcullis Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GT Send us an online question or request

Telephone: 01584 872 939

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Compliments Page


Getting a compliment from your patients can make all of the hard work it takes to run a practice completely worth it especially so during these very difficult times.

We are grateful for the many compliments and Christmas presents we have received from patients over the past years. Iif you would like to thank us for our work you can do so by any of the following options:

  • Send us an email with your compliment and we will add them below on this page. Thank you for your time and good wishes.
  • Alternatively you can also make a Donation by direct bank transfer to Portcullis Bank account ………… or leaving your donation in the envelope available in Reception.



COMPLIMENTS RECEIVED-Thankyou for your time  in writing this email and your good wishes.
Hello Judith,
on behalf of Beryl ( and Bryan) Rogers’ family, I would like to express our thanks for the wonderful care you and the Portcullis Surgery has provided over the years.
It is comforting to know that Beryl got her final wish of staying in her own home until her last breath, I know that this was something that was very important to her. The home support that was arranged was excellent.
Luckily,  we happened to be in the UK and we’re able to be with her at the very end, which is also a comfort.
Warm regards
Carole Rogers

In this day and age we hear far to many complaints from patients however rest easy this is not such a thing

I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing service and experience I have had from the moment of my initial call to book an appointment concerning my prostate irritation right the way throughout the whole process
In particular the doctor and the two trainees who held the initial consultation were fantastic, very thorough, courteous, understanding and very human in there approach to ,what for me, was somewhat of an embarrassing time
Both Callie and Jamie were exemplary throughout the consultation and I wish them the very best of luck throughout their training and careers
If this is the standard of trainee doctors coming through then we are certainly in safe hands going forward
Well done guys and girls

Best regards and wishes

Best regards

Collin Brooker

17th February 2021

I would like to thank the practice for the care I have recently received.  I phoned yesterday, as I have covid and was vomiting, so that I could not take in any fluids all day.  I had an intense headache and I thought continuing with the condition would have required a drip and so a stay in hospital.  Joy prescribed a buccal antiemetic which has worked well, I now can drink and my condition has improved a lot overnight.Also, the practice texted me with a link to the Panoramic trial.  I have enrolled and luckily been allocated for treatment, rather than placebo.  My molnupiravir has just arrived.Thanks so much to everyone at Portcullis.WalWalter Ward


On behalf of my mother – Mrs Dilys Mckay (age 96) – we wish to thank all of those surgery staff, volunteers, backroom data inputters etc involved in innoculating her on Saturday morning at Portcullis surgery.

It was efficient, professional & friendly and she is now much comforted.

She had been very concerned until earlier in the week when contacted by the surgery – that she may have been overlooked as delays had occurred in this area.

My husband and I had appreciated the difficulties you were having obtaining the vaccine and the bureaucratic obstacles you faced in ensuring the roll-out cascaded down to PCN SW Shrops.

We hope lessons are learned by the NHS and the need to be transparent and communicate effectively with consumers and taxpayers particularly by the CCG – their website link was full of lazy bromides rather than timely realistic information.

Many thanks to all of you – impressive once the starting gun was fired!

yours truly

Mrs S Tonkin



To everyone at Portcullis Surgery,

My Mum (Pauline Chapman) had her covid vaccine today. I wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for the amazing work that you have done on getting the vaccine to your patients. I was especially pleased as my Mum was able to have the vaccine at your surgery rather than having to travel. My Mum tells me that the process today was very efficient and everyone was very helpful.
I have been following the updates on your website and realise that it hasn’t been easy to get to this point.  I live over 3 hours drive away from my Mum so the regular updates on your website and Facebook page have been particularly helpful to understand what was happening.
You have all worked tirelessly for the benefit of your patients (I even see that Dr Beanland is also delivering Zoom sessions on medicine for school children) – I hope you all get the chance for a well deserved rest soon.
Many thanks
Sally Chapman


30/1/2021 Dear Catherine,

Gloria and I attended Portcullis Surgery as arranged for our vaccination.   The whole exercise, from beginning to end worked like clockwork.
We were initially contacted by ‘phone by our Nurse Practitioner who very clearly outlined the options available – travel to Church Stretton for the Pfizer vaccine or, if that presented travel/mobility issues, attend Portcullis for the Oxford/Astra Zeneca product.   We opted for the Portcullis/Astra Zeneca route and were given an appointment for 08.55 this morning.
Because of the weather we arrived slightly early, but were still admitted instantly, given the paperwork and directed to Sister Jo.   Removing topcoats/baring of arms took only second and hey  presto the job was done!   No discomfort, no fuss, got the paperwork and we were out of the Surgery by 08.50!!   Another two shots that would not be stolen by the EU!
Returning home we were delighted to receive in the post some 2 hours later the NHS Letter in a hundred or so languages saying that we were now eligible for vaccination!!
Well done to everyone – that’s the way to do it!   Please post to your website if you feel it worthy!
Peter and Gloria Corfield


22.1.2021 Rachel

I think you and the team could do with some good news and gratitude this week.
I took Dad to RJAH in Oswestry this afternoon and want to express my gratitude to you for initiating the process for his first Covid-19 vaccination. From your call early in the morning, through booking on the website, parking and the whole process in the hospital it couldn’t have been easier and more pleasant.
The volunteers and medical staff there were superb.
We are relieved to have started the vaccination course with him and look forward to my turn. At 1400 vaccinations a day there I don’t think it will be too long.
You have made our family’s weekend so much more pleasant. I hope you and the team get some rest.
Thank you again for your help.
Graham Aylen

19.11.2020 Dr Targett did a small operation at the surgery to remove a benign warty lump on my leg. Days beforehand, he gave me a horrifying 3-page list of possible consequences and complications to review, from ‘cosmetic embarrassment’ to sepsis. In the event, it went ahead, and it didn’t hurt at all – at the time or afterwards. It didn’t bleed; and it didn’t get infected. And, thanks to Dr Targett and the quiet efficiency of Advanced Nurse Practitioner Joy Godding who prepared me and the room and then assisted Dr Targett, the whole procedure was unalarming and a laugh! Thank you, Portcullis!

20.11.2020 I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to Dr Chris Targett for his professionalism , thoroughness, compassion and to top it off , being an extremely decent chap !
Thank you and your colleagues at Portcullis Surgery for all you hard work in our community !
Kind regards
Charles Shearn and Joanne Lewis

26.11.2020 Dear Dr. Beanland,

Thank you very much for the consultations and also for your expertise with the procedure yesterday, carried out with kindness which allowed me to feel safe and relaxed as you explained what was happening every step of the way with wonderful results and also fun, not at all scary.

Thank you.

Ķind regards,

Sarah Wòolnough

26.11.2020 To you all at Portcullis Surgery. You’re all doing an amazing job. Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2021. Doug and Lindsay Beavan

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only. Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm One Friday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Saturday
    9-5pm One Saturday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Sunday
    Call 111 for advice OOH
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