Portcullis Surgery

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Help with Insomnia

Posted on February 1st, 2023

Help with insomnia

Do you have any of the following problems?

  • find it difficult to fall asleep?
  • lie awake for long periods at night?
  • wake up several times during the night?
  • wake up early in the morning and not be able to get back to sleep?
  • not feel refreshed when you get up?
  • find it hard to nap during the day, despite feeling tired?
  • feel tired and irritable during the day and have difficulty concentrating?

Help with insomnia

We are pleased to inform you that our local PCN (South-West Shropshire) has commissioned an online service called Sleepstation.

Sleepstation is a clinically validated sleep improvement programme that can help you sleep better after just four sessions.

Designed by experts and backed by science, our online sleep service is proven to combat even the most severe insomnia.

Through Sleepstation, you’ll have access to the most effective treatment available for insomnia – CBTi (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia).

CBTi is more effective than sleeping pills and is recommended for even the most severe insomnia.

Sleepstation’s online sleep improvement programme consistently helps people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and get better quality sleep.

All you need to do is complete the short form below and you will be able to access this service FREE OF CHARGE

You will need your NHS number if you don’t know your NHS number please look up the link below to find it.


Start now



For more information about this service follow the link to our website

Help with sleeping problems (Insomnia)

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only. Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm One Friday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Saturday
    9-5pm One Saturday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Sunday
    Call 111 for advice OOH
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