Portcullis Surgery

Portcullis Lane, Ludlow, SY8 1GT Send us an online question or request

Telephone: 01584 872 939

We are closed. Call 111 for urgent advice out of hours.

Communication of Medication changes requested by Shropshire CCG/NHS England policy

Communication of Medication changes requested by Shropshire CCG/NHS England policy

  • If you have recently received a text message from Shropshire CCG (Shropshire, Teford & Wrekin clinical commissioning group) about a change to your medication this is a genuine message.
  • On behalf of the NHS your local CCG has to action plans for medicines optimisation. This can including switching the brand of medicine but not the drug inside. It can also include ensuring that medicines that are available over the counter are not prescribed by GP practices to working age patients regardless of if they pay for their prescriptions or not. This is the policy the UK Government has decided on and is not a decision made locally.
  • We appreciate that a change to your prescription can be an unwanted surprise but this is part of a national programme and is not a choice made by your doctors or GP practice. 
  • We at Portcullis Surgery have gone to great lengths, by reviewing the notes of every single patient highlighted for a medication change, to try to ensure no patient has a medication change or a medication stopped inappropriately.
  • If you are unhappy about the medication change and would like to discuss this change please ask for an appointment with our practice pharmacist Phil Bates by calling reception. Phil normally works with us on a Friday
  • There were various areas of medication changes that text messages and letters have been sent for. Please click on the links below for more information that has been provided to us:


    • Bath and shower treatments patient information leaflet (bath&shower Tx PIL.docx)

Bath&Shower Tx PIL

    • Dry eyes patient information leaflet (dry eyes Tx PIL.docx)

Dry Eyes Tx PIL

    • Hayfever patient information leaflet (hayfever Tx PIL.doc.x)

Hayfever Tx PIL

    • Vitamin D patient information leaflet (vitamin D Tx PIL.doc.x)

Vitamin D Tx PIL

    • Statin information leaflet

Why have we changed your statin from Simvastatin to Atorvastatin

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only. Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-8pm Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    6.30-9.30pm One Friday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Saturday
    9-5pm One Saturday a month Bookable in advance appointments only.Call 111 for advice OOH
  • Sunday
    Call 111 for advice OOH
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